Rez Infinite, 2017
設計開發 | Monstars Inc. and Resonair
發行 | Enhance Games
《Rez Infinite》是將 2001 年所推出的《Rez》2D 音樂射擊遊戲予以 3D 化,藉由15年間技術的推展完成創作者水谷哲也開發時的理想,並加入了全新關卡「Area X」的系列作品,遊戲曾獲得「The Game Awards 2016」、「Best VR Game」等獎項。透過遊戲層層關卡,一路突破一波又一波的敵人攻擊與巨大的變形頭目,遊玩中的玩家動作會觸發電音樂曲節拍同步的絢爛聲光效果,且從全環繞 3D VR 環境推進軌道射擊冒險,進而體驗視覺聽覺共聯之沈浸感。
Playable video game with VR installation
Design and development by Monstars Inc. and Resonair
Courtesy of Enhance Games
Experience 360 degrees of mind-blowing synesthesia as you blast your way through waves of enemies and massive transforming bosses, with your every move triggering colors and sounds that sync and blend to the beat of the legendary techno soundtrack of Rez.
數位藝術展 Deep Play 一 動暈XRrrrr
Deep Play 一 XRrrrr Exhibition
Deep Play 一 XRrrrr Exhibition
2024.11.20 - 12.18
週一至五11:00-17:00,國定假日休展 | 11:00 to 17:00, Closed on National Holidays
藝文中心4樓 藝心長廊
Yi-sin Gallery, 4F of NCCU Art & Culture Center
Co-organizer: Digital Art Foundation
藝文中心4樓 藝心長廊
Yi-sin Gallery, 4F of NCCU Art & Culture Center
Co-organizer: Digital Art Foundation