自1970年代開始,電玩/電子遊戲以消費性娛樂出現於大眾生活,除遊戲本體的設計製作外,開發遊戲機台及其相關介面所帶動之軟硬體設備、技術產業鏈持續蓬勃至後疫情時代,並蔓生至各類電子產品生態系內,頭戴顯示裝置(Head-mounted Display)作為微型顯示器趨勢之一也藉此茁壯,本次展覽將擴延實境(XR, Extended Reailty)設定為前線媒介,透過實際可觸知(tangible)體驗的VR頭顯及投影裝置,召喚觀眾在遊玩或視聽覺共感中生成心流體驗(flow experience),進而實踐自我沈浸狀態。
展名挪用了哈倫.法洛基作品《深度轉播》(Deep Play, 2007),跟隨其探究當代科技與影像生產機制,以及此類影像所帶來的視覺文化變遷,本次展出作品以大眾文化為導向,從遊戲圖像、社群平台到尚未定義的數位實驗,藉此來觀察虛擬影像熱潮之下,遊戲引擎如何轉化物質性檔案、開放世界、二維圖像成數位景觀。
作品《Rez Infinite》作為千禧年初期發行遊戲的再製版,射擊冒險從2D顯示螢幕到VR頭顯、解析度由480P增加至4K,於技術上佐證從 2001 年迄今的設備發展與數位文化走勢;以互動投影呈現的《KID A MNESIA》隱匿著數個超越物理限制的虛擬空間,在形體扭曲人形伴隨間,探索隨機觸發的專輯聲響及視覺碎片,感受電台司令(Radiohead)當年創作時困在迷宮中的焦慮感;以社交虛擬實境平台作爲要素的VR Chat,自2017年發行以來,鼓勵玩家在系統限制範圍內自由製作各式樣貌、規則的遊戲世界,並可與全球人們進行交流,與講座活動搭配展出的多人連線遊戲《Pop Escpae》為例,思考當代社會、科技、遊戲文化之間現象。
Since the 1970s, video/computer games have emerged as a form of consumer entertainment, becoming a part of everyday life. Beyond the design and production of the games themselves, the development of gaming consoles and their related interfaces has driven a thriving industry of hardware and software technologies. This industry has continued to flourish even in the post-pandemic era, becoming deeply integrated into the ecosystem of various electronics. Head-mounted displays (HMDs), as one of the trends in microdisplays, have also grown alongside this expansion. This exhibition positions Extended Reality (XR) as the frontline medium, using tangible experiences through VR headset and projection installation to invoke a flow experience of the audiences—an immersive state of self-engagement generated through gameplay or multisensory (visual and auditory) co-experiences.
The exhibition's title is borrowed from Harun Farocki’s Deep Play (2007), reflecting his exploration of the mechanisms between contemporary technology and image production, as well as the resulting shifts influenced by these images in visual culture. Consequently, the works featured in this exhibition lean towards game imagery, social platforms, or undefined digital experiments, observing how game engines transform material archives, open world, and two-dimensional images into digital landscapes amidst the virtual image craze.
The work Rez Infinite is a remastered version of a game originally released in the early 2000s. This shooting adventure has evolved from 2D screens to VR headsets, with its resolution upgraded from 480p to 4K, demonstrating the technological advancements and digital culture trends from 2001 to the present. KID A MNESIA, presented through interactive projection, conceals multiple virtual spaces that transcend physical limitations. Within these distorted humanoid forms, viewers explore randomly triggered album sounds and visual fragments, evoking the sense of anxiety that Radiohead felt while creating their music, as if trapped in a labyrinth. VRChat, a social virtual reality platform, has encouraged players since its release in 2017 to freely create various game worlds within system limitations and interact with people globally. An example of this is the multiplayer game Pop Escape, showcased alongside lecture events, which prompts reflection on the phenomena at the intersection of contemporary society, technology, and gaming culture.
黃惠婷 | Fay Huang
黃惠婷 ,slash,曾任國家兩廳院5G專案專員、臺灣當代文化實驗場C-LAB國際交流/製作專員、臺北市立美術館展覽組研究助理,近期參與展演製作:「VR圖書室計畫」(2024,臺北市立美術館)、《黑》(2024,國家兩廳院)、《Operation 1'71701'/ 彌—見證日:終末之戰》(2023,國家兩廳院)、《5G元宇宙之虛實展演:王福瑞Live異地共演藝術創作計畫》(2022,國立臺灣科學教育館)、「WITHIN_臺灣VR作品選集」(2022,曼谷朱拉隆功大學數位藝術中心)。
Fay Huang, slash worker, has served as the 5G Project Specialist at the National Theater and Concert Hall, the International Exchange/Production Specialist at C-LAB, and the Research Assistant in the Exhibition Department at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. Recently, she has participated in the production of several exhibitions and performances, including "VR Library Project" (2024, Taipei Fine Arts Museum), Colored (2024, National Theater and Concert Hall), Operation 1'71701'/ M1TR4: The Final Battle (2023, National Theater and Concert Hall), 5G Metaverse: Virtual and Reality Exhibition-Performance: Wang Fu-Rui Live Art Co-Creation Project Across Locations (2022, National Taiwan Science Education Center), and "WITHIN_Taiwan VR Collection" (2022, Digital Art Center, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok).
財團法人數位藝術基金會成立於 2008 年,致力於科技藝術媒合推廣、數位藝術產業發展及軟硬體建設,以提升全體社會數位藝術生活,並營運台灣數位藝術中心,促進數位藝術發展、推展相關活動。
The Digital Art Foundation, Taiwan, established in 2008, is dedicated to promoting the integration of technology and art, advancing the digital art industry, and developing both software and hardware infrastructure. Its mission is to enhance the digital art experience across society. The foundation also operates the Digital Art Center, Taiwan (DAC) fostering the development of digital art and organizing related activities.
Deep Play 一 XRrrrr Exhibition
藝文中心4樓 藝心長廊
Yi-sin Gallery, 4F of NCCU Art & Culture Center
Co-organizer: Digital Art Foundation