How Digital Games and Social Platforms Thrive Together: A Look at VRChat
Digital Art Center, 2F of NCCU Arts & Culture Center
Lecturer: Tammy JihHsuan Lin, Po-wei Wang
【 講座簡介 About the Lecture 】
本活動與數位藝術基金會共同策劃,以數位遊戲體驗為主題,配合藝文中心四樓藝心長廊Deep Play 一 動暈XRrrrr展,歡迎前往觀賞。此次講座亦預計設置多人連線遊戲《Pop Escpae》供現場體驗。
Digital online games differ from single-player games in that they not only provide an immersive technological experience but also fulfill social needs through real-time interactions with multiple participants. Many players enjoy unique developmental experiences in role-playing games, either extending or escaping from reality, which brings about self-fulfillment, a sense of belonging, and self-esteem while also shaping a distinctive community culture. The lasting effects of immersive online gaming experiences are not only subjects of academic research but may also become an integral part of our daily lives.
This talk features Professor Jih-Hsuan Tammy Lin, a VR research expert from NCCU, who will share case studies on the relationship between gaming and well-being. Lin will be joined by Wang Po-Wei, Artistic Director of the Digital Art Foundation, who specializes in the intersection of art, science, and technology. The two experts will delve into the intricate connections between digital games and psychological, social, economic, and artistic aspects, inviting you to explore the realms of the metaverse and reality.
This event is co-organized with the Digital Art Foundation, focusing on the theme of digital gaming experiences. It complements the "Deep Play 一 XRrrrr Exhibition" at the 4th-floor Yi-Sin Gallery of the Art & Culture Center. Visitors are welcome to view the exhibition, and a multiplayer online game, Pop Escape, will be available for on-site experience during the talk.
【 講者介紹 About the Lecturers 】

現任政治大學傳播學院特聘教授,她同時也擔任國際傳播頂尖期刊副主編(Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication)、傳播學院國際傳播碩士學位學程主任、政大研究倫理審查召集人、以及台灣資訊社會研究學會理事長。林日璇於2016年獲得台灣第一台HTC Vive,自此投入虛擬實境元宇宙的研究。她的研究聚焦於傳播科技,包含虛擬實境、數位遊戲以及社群媒體,關注人類心理幸福感。研究獲得國科會傑出研究獎以及吳大猷獎,並在2022年獲得Meta的全球競爭型研究獎,現任Meta APAC XR Academic Network成員,擔任全球影音科技平台 APAC Policy Council Member。2024年籌辦政大與密西根州立大學簽署合作交換MOU,成為學術界第一個以虛擬實境簽約的MOU,獲得多篇媒體報導。擁有絕對音感,演奏管風琴、熱愛爵士、曾破過Nethack一次。
Tammy JihHsuan Lin is a distinguished professor in the College of Communication at National ChengChi University in Taiwan (NCCU). She serves as the Associate Editor of Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC) and President of the Taiwan Academy for Information Association. She is a member of the Meta APAC academic Network and a policy council member of a global video streaming tech giant.
Tammy Lin received the first HTC VIVE in 2016 globally. Her research focus on the virtual reality, metaverse, digital games, and social media. She is interested in applying and employing communication technology to increase human well-being and persuasion. Her research has received top awards including the Excellence Research Award and Da-Yu Wu Young Scholar Research Award from Taiwan National Technology and Science Counsel. Her research has been published in top journals such as Journal of Communication and Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.

現為數位藝術基金會藝術總監,曾任臺北市立美術館助理研究員、台新藝術獎之提名觀察人、C-LAB年度展覽「Re:Play 檔案現場」之策展人。主要研究領域為媒介與設計理論、當代藝術史、文化社會學、藝術/科學/科技(AST)、西洋教育史,發表文章包含:〈VR與形塑世界的三種模態〉、〈數位典藏的知識轉向〉、〈數位網絡時代的表演與個體性〉、〈文化技術(cultural Techniques)與文化科技(cultural technology)〉、〈流與世界〉等。與張錦惠合譯有Niklas Luhmann所著《愛情作為激情:論親密性的符碼化》(台北:五南)。
Po-wei Wang is the artistic director of Digital Art Foundation, Taiwan. His research interests include Media Theory, History of Contemporary Art, Sociology of Culture and Art, and Art/Science/Technology (AST). Translated Niklas Luhmann's Liebe als Passion: Zur Codierung von Intimität into Chinese together with CHANG Chin-hui.
Deep Play 一 XRrrrr Exhibition
藝文中心4樓 藝心長廊
Yi-sin Gallery, 4F of NCCU Art & Culture Center
Co-organizer: Digital Art Foundation