政大藝文中心推動數位化模式,突破時空限制,期使藝文無國界。2022年籌備「數位藝術系列」開拓藝術疆域,鼓勵師生共同探索科技應用並創作,已連續兩年推出非同質化代幣(NFT)及生成式藝術(Generative art)徵件展、工作坊及導賞交流等活動,而今我們將眼光放於虛/實之間的世界。
虛擬實境(Virtual Reality),以下稱VR)作為近年受高度矚目及發展潛力的技術,利用電腦模擬產生三度空間的幻象,使人們在人機互動中專注於運動、視聽的感知回饋,融入虛擬。沈浸式科技(immersive technology)廣泛用於學習、訓練及娛樂,更是近年藝術實踐的場域,今年我們特邀財團法人數位藝術基金會打造數位互動場域,而Deep Play 一 動暈XRrrrr展,超乎我們對VR的想像。
荷蘭學者約翰·赫伊津哈(Johan Huizinga)提出遊戲人(Homo Ludens)的概念,認為人類歷史等一切活動及互動的基礎都建立在遊戲之上;VR發展也不例外地帶著娛樂目的,並帶來感知的挑戰 一 即便觀賞者的身體動作和虛擬世界同步,也無法觸碰到眼前的物體,身體消失的經驗以及移動方式的識別和適應,常因為視覺、體感不協調引發暈眩感,縱使如此,真實性及沉浸感仍帶有難以言喻的魅力和討論空間。

Digital online games differ from single-player games in that they not only provide an immersive technological experience but also fulfill social needs through real-time interactions with multiple participants. Many players enjoy unique developmental experiences in role-playing games, either extending or escaping from reality, which brings about self-fulfillment, a sense of belonging, and self-esteem while also shaping a distinctive community culture. The lasting effects of immersive online gaming experiences are not only subjects of academic research but may also become an integral part of our daily lives.
This talk features Professor Tammy JihHsuan Lin, a VR research expert from NCCU, who will share case studies on the relationship between gaming and well-being. Lin will be joined by Wang Po-Wei, Artistic Director of the Digital Art Foundation, who specializes in the intersection of art, science, and technology. The two experts will delve into the intricate connections between digital games and psychological, social, economic, and artistic aspects, inviting you to explore the realms of the metaverse and reality.
This event is co-organized with the Digital Art Foundation, focusing on the theme of digital gaming experiences. It complements the "Deep Play 一 XRrrrr Exhibition" at the 4th-floor Yi-Sin Gallery of the Art & Culture Center. Visitors are welcome to view the exhibition, and a multiplayer online game, Pop Escape, will be available for on-site experience during the talk.
Deep Play 一 XRrrrr Exhibition
藝文中心4樓 藝心長廊
Yi-sin Gallery, 4F of NCCU Art & Culture Center
Co-organizer: Digital Art Foundation